Sunday, July 31, 2005

Ramen Lite

Recently during a grocery getting excursion to super Wally world (Wal-Mart) I found a twelve (12) pack of ramen noodles for $1.20. That comes out to 12 cents a pack. This evening though I had a hearty meal of ramen noodles, and about an hour later I was once again ravenously hungry. This has led me to believe that Ramen noodles have great taste and are less filling.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

The Gambler

(Originally published on my fantasy baseball league message board)

Is anyone else sick of the Kenny Rogers story? I know I am. I wish the media in the metroplex would get the memo and back off and let the man have some space and let the Rangers maybe have a run at the playoffs. Right now it seems that Rogers is target number one for cameramen looking to make a story, or just a quick buck. I hate the media and it's one-sided the player is the devil; the plucky camera guy or obscene audience member an innocent saint. People (especially players) don't just blow up for no reason. What did the cameraman do/say? What line did the fans in Oakland cross that sent a chair headed their way last year. Can we allow / treat our sports stars as human beings first and heroes later.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Acting Lessons - Epilogue

Well, we just finished striking the sets for the Abilene Summer Shakespeare fesitval. After a grueling two and a half hour performance we quickly changed into work clothes and began taking the past two months of our lives down.

It was fun to work that hard with my new closest friends, but boy am I hurting now and boy will I be hurting tomorrow.

Expect an upcoming post to reflect more perfectly upon the experience. For now I'm going to bed.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

For A Raving Lunatic . . .

I Found a link to this blog on Page 2's Daily Links section. It's from the blog of Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban. While he usually puts on a public persona that is far from sane, he does demonstrate that at times he is capable of intelligent thought with this post. It's really good.

Click HERE to read the post.