Thursday, December 22, 2005

You Can Never Go Home Again

This post is on location at my parent's house in Grand Prairie, Texas.

This afternoon I drove "home." I say "home" because Home is Abilene, Texas where I have spent the majority of the past decade and "home" is Grand Prairie, Texas where i spent the majority of the previous two decades and where my parents still live.

Everytime I come to visit, something has changed. Except to me, one who visits so infrequently, it seems as though a lot of things have changed. Because this is the place where I grew up though, it seems more than a bunch of new buildings. It appears as though the fundamental nature of the universe has been altered. This town is the place of my memory, and now that memory is disconnected from reality.

I love holidays, and I love spending time with my family at holidays, but I do not enjoy going "home." It reminds me that even the most fundamental things in the universe are changeable and not always for the better.


Unknown said...

I believe that the fundamental guarantee of the world is change. Screw death and taxes, change is more predictable than either. And memories and emotions are just as susceptible to this principle as anything else.

Unknown said...

i never said anything about having lost faith, i just don't have much faith in things which claim to be unchangeable. i have faith in God, but that faith is not based upon a belief in his immutability.

please drop the annonymous tag. it's getting really annoying.

Unknown said...

Okay, I don't talk to blank heads.


Unknown said...

blank heads is a bit much. Let me rephrase. I do not discuss with people with no context. There that sounds better.