Sunday, April 16, 2006

Who Am I?

You Are Kermit

Hi, ho! Lovable and friendly, you get along well with everyone you know.
You're a big thinker, and sometimes you over think life's problems.
Don't worry - everyone know's it's not easy being green.
Just remember, time's fun when you're having flies!

Monday, April 03, 2006

Almost there

As of the writing of this post there are now 22 hours til I have to turn in my written briefs (papers not underwear) for my comprehensive exams. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, and though it's most likely the train coming the other way I don't care at this point. I just want to finish.

Thank you to all of you faithful friends who have been praying for me and supporting me to reach this point. I promise I will not let you down.

~ Harry