Monday, February 21, 2005

Healthcare ministry Diary Entry 1

This semester I am taking a class in healthcare ministry. In addition to class time I am required to spend two hours a week in visiting people in the hospital. I just finished my first 5 week rotation on the Cardiac Care wing and now I find myself wandering the halls of the oncology wing.

The phrase "genuine presence" or "authentic presence" has been thrown out to describe the nature of our ministry to the people in the hospital. This is a difficult concept to realize as I go from room to room, changing people and situations more often than socks. Very rarely are the same people there from time to time, and yet I am called to be God's representative to that situation. I believe that in this place of ignorance and incompetence is room enough for the Spirit of God to work in me to minister to the patients.


1 comment:

TKP said...

So Harry, what's been going on? I think you would make a good president for the brother club to the GASB, the BACG (boys against confusing girls). think about it.