Thursday, February 03, 2005

West Texas

I don't let anyone ever complain to me that West Texas is ugly. I've heard a bunch in my time here in Abilene. There aren't many trees, or there's just nothing here on the south tip of the Great Plains to look at. Tonight a buddy of mine and I went for a little drive while listening to some good music. We were able to watch the end of the sunset while driving around the north-east corner of Lake Fort Phantom Hill. The peach colored sky was reflected in the rippled surface of the lake so that the whole area was virtually exploding with color. A person would have to be dead to not see the beauty in that most serene picture.



James Hooten said...

West Texas is still ugly. It is a mostly barren, brown hell-on-earth. Sunsets and sunrises are pretty. Open spaces and a big sky are nice too. But give me green grass, tall trees, streams, rolling hills, cornfields, dairy and pig farms, and a more moderate climate!

Unknown said...

Jamie you must be an absolute troglodyte with no sense of beauty whatsoever if you do not find the wide open spaces of west texas to be the closest thing to heaven on earth.

Anonymous said...

Amen Harry O'Connors! I'm pretty sure Jamie is a troglodyte.
