Wednesday, February 09, 2005

The Return of Noah's Flood

Last night I got to experience one of the true joys of living in the dorm. For those of you who don't know, I am the assistant residence director of Smith Hall at ACU. This means that I get to live with 125 of my closest sophomore male friends. Well last night I got home from class at dinner in the lobby and went to my room. Upon entering my room I discovered that a lake had formed in the center of my room. This lake had formed when the main sewer line under my room had gotten clogged and backed up into my room and the one adjacent to it. The water was about a quarter of an inch deep the whole length of my room. I look at it as God telling me he wants me to live a simpler life and I had to move, with the help of two of my good friends, a BUNCH of stuff out of the way of the marauding water.



Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you had a flood, but I'm glad you started updating your blog again.


James Hooten said...

Yeah, Harry. Go at 'em! Or something like that.

James Hooten said...

Where's my semi-daily dose of Harry? It's been DAYS! Update now dang it!

Jared Cramer said...

sewage in your room . . . never a good idea

Jen said...

Hank - Add to that that your hall is slowing off the hill! Fun Fun! Fun!